On the same trip to Osaka castle, we encountered this guy; an interesting character indeed....
I decided to include this photo because I feel like this proves another point about Japanese people that I have thought since the first time I came here (and even before that really): Japanese people are UNIQUE. I think from a Western point of view, we tend to sometimes think that because the island of Japan is relatively small and was for a long time cut off from the rest of the world, that somehow they (Japanese people) all have the same basic characteristics because they have such tight-knit communities. However, this is actually couldn't be farther from the truth; everyday that I go out to visit some interesting new place, I am always taking note of the variations of people, like this man for example. In front of him him was three cans, each for a different amount of money. Depending on which can you put money into, he would play a song and the songs got more complex the higher the amount of money you deposit. After the song was finished, he would return to a frozen posture, waiting for the next person to deposit money.
I've decided that there is really no way to categorize Japanese people other than their nationality, and to do so would be missing something. Beyond nationality, it is really open ended as to how each person will choose to express themselves, and you can never be sure of what you will encounter next. But, of course, this should not come as any big surprise, since in reality this holds true for all places on planet earth. Of course 'Japanese people' do have some common qualities, but with these commonalities also comes great diversity.
** At Osaka castle I took a video of this man who was entertaining the crowds with his unique skill....check it out. **